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Summer Camp 2024 - Registration is prolonged!

Are you ready for an awesome adventure this summer? A week full of fun, experience, overcoming challenges, and spending time with new friends you will meet, right at the beginning of your summer holidays! 

You will overcome your limits by going on an outdoor expedition, learn how to develop your own project, play games and compete together with your teammates, meet inspiring people, and attend interesting workshops. Make sure to secure your spot, the registration will close on June 7th.

Is it for me?
  • I’m 14 to 17 years old

  • I like learning new things

  • I’m looking for a high school

  • I’m not afraid of challenges

  • I often take the initiative and improve my environment

  • I’m very active and dedicate time to my hobbies

  • I’m looking for a like-minded community of people

  • I like to help others


Our intention is to make LEAF Academy accessible to the most gifted and enthusiastic students. Therefore we have created a scholarship system that students can use to cover their expenses.


Thanks to your financial donation, we can increase the positive impact not only in Slovakia.

Be part of our work and help us in our mission so that as many students as possible can develop and learn at LEAF Academy, regardless of their financial situation and circumstances.


LEAF Academy is accredited by the Commission for International Education New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).

The school operates in Slovakia with the consent of the U.S. Embassy in Bratislava (Slovakia) and is recognized by the Slovak Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport.

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